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The school of  the shellfish,
the fish and the fish kanji
Name of the shellfish, Home of the shellfish, Recipe of the shellfish, Fish name
Kanji concerning the fish, Fishery, Little knowledge of seasonal fish dishes, etc.
 ŠL‚Μ‹³ŽΊ ‹›‚Μ‹³ŽΊ  ‹›ŠΏŽš‚Μ‹³ŽΊ 
The kind of shellfishes which live in Osaka-gulf, the name, the living location and a recipe. The kind and the name of the main fish which lives in Osaka-gulf. Which is the name of the fish expressed in a kanji of 1 letter?Can you understand?
ŠL‚ΜŠwZ ‹›‚ΜŠwZ
A way for fishingΛ Fishing method The fishing kind
How to play in the sea?
manners in the sea
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